
The Communications Ministry is central to every aspect of our church ministries today. Its role in ministry is specifically defined to ensure that members are kept informed and the church is properly represented to the public. Here are the four areas that encompass this ministry in our church:

Public Relations: This ministry is responsible for building, monitoring, and protecting the image of your local church and its name, within your community.

Media Relations: The objective of this ministry is to raise public awareness of our church—its members, its mission, and its message; work to get church activities and events noted in the media; and help to get the church’s views included in the news adequately and accurately.

News and Information: We believe it’s vital for us to keep church members informed about upcoming activities, and equally important to share church news with conference communication directors and both the Adventist and non-Adventist family.

Advertising and Promotion: One of our most important responsibilities is to strategically promote all church programs and evangelism campaigns to attract attendance.

Hoping, Healing and Helping – The Communications Ministry assists in the overall development and execution of inreach and outreach communication strategies. Making sure 1st time guests, regular attendees, members and the community at large has knowledge and understanding of the programs and projects being offered at Philadelphian.